Outlook: 0700 Sat 25 Oct 0700 Sun 26 Oct
Wind Southerly veering westerly 5 to 7, increasing gale 8 or severe gale 9 for a time.
Sea state Rough or very rough.
Weather Showers, rain later.
Visibility Good, becoming moderate or poor later
This weekend is different, it's the exception that makes the rule. The expectation is to go beyond my comfort zone and being got out of the cack by others could be a distinct possibility. That's why I'm here. There are experienced people around in small groups, and in my opinion this is a great environment in which to push paddling skills forward.
I've come up to north Wales to the 3rd Storm Gathering, organised by Mark Tozer. He even managed to spirit up a storm. The tent next to mine got blown down flat during the night somehow mine survived. I did manage to end the weekend without needing to be fished out of the water.
Some pictures from a great weekend.