Sunday, 25 November 2007

XXS is good

Following on in my failed to roll when solo in rough water capsize scenario. I have so far managed to get back into my kayak with re-entry and roll with my paddle float assistance. I can now support myself while I start the process of pumping out the water from my cockpit. I don’t have a foot or electric pump. My spray deck is tucked under the twin seal waist of the paddling top, so I can’t push the pump down the front and have the spray deck back in place. I think it is going to be difficult to keep the big waves from refilling the cockpit.

Unless I have spent extra cash on a Reed spray deck with a bale hole.
Which I haven’t.

But seeing this spray deck gave me an idea to adapt my existing deck to have it’s own retrofitted hole.

I came up with the idea of using the smallest dry bag I could find (an ExPed XXS which cost less than a pint of beer), as a ready made sealing hatch device. So now all I have to do is cut the bottom out of the bag, make an appropriate incision in the spray deck and sew/seal the bag in. The bag is small enough I think, that when rolled right up, will not allow water to pool.


When it’s done, a picture will surely follow.

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